The University of New Haven has an enviable reputation as a leader in the field of experiential education,
and the Honors Program contributes significantly to that reputation. The Program has established a long
tradition of undergraduate research, with seniors required to complete an honors thesis by undertaking an
in-depth project on a topic in their major/minor disciplines. The project is designed, researched, and written
under the guidance of a faculty advisor. The finished theses are then bound and proudly displayed in the
Marvin K. Peterson Library.
While the thought of doing a thesis may seem daunting at first, honors students have plenty of support to
help them along in the process. The below three courses (each are 1 credit) are specifically geared to the
research and writing of your thesis and will de-mystify how to go about it, provide feedback on how your
work-in-progress is shaping up, and accompany you in the homestretch:
HNRS 4459: Developing an Honors Thesis Proposal
Students develop a research question, find their thesis advisor, review the scholarly literature on their topic, and write a thesis proposal.
HNRS 4458: Honors Thesis Writing Workshop
Taught by a member of the English department, this course gives students the opportunity to share drafts of their work-in-progress, peer edit, and receive feedback and guidance about the organization and composition of the thesis.
HNRS 4457: Honors Thesis Presentation Skills
This course trains honors students to express themselves concisely, professionally, and effectively. Topics include oral presentations, poster design, and effective use of visual technologies.