College of Engineering Soars in U.S. News Rankings
The University of New Haven's Tagliatela College of Engineering is rated among the top third in the country in its category.
Tagliatela College of Engineering Students
In the , the University of New Haven’s Tagliatela College of Engineering is rated among the
top third in the country. The University is No. 55 out of nearly 200 schools in its
category ranking engineering colleges that do not have a doctoral program.
The University is up nearly 45 spots from five years ago when it was No. 98 and is
one of only three schools in Connecticut – and five in New England – ranked in the
top third in that category.
The ranking is based on a survey of engineering deans from colleges that do not have
a doctoral program.
"This remarkable rise in our ranking is a result of the broad visibility created by
publicizing our curricular innovations and the successes of our faculty and students,"
said Ron Harichandran, dean of the Tagliatela College of Engineering.
Our faculty work hard to ensure that our students leverage their hands-on engineering
and applied-science education to deliver innovative solutions to real-world problems.
- Ron Harichandran
New Ranking Advances the Momentum
The new ranking advances the momentum taking place in the College of Engineering.
Last fall, the College welcomed its largest first-year class ever, and plans are currently
being finalized for a new, state-of-the-art 40,000-square-foot University Innovation
Center that will serve as a multidisciplinary hub for idea creation and concept development.
Five years ago, the University was selected to join the Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering
Network, which features some of the best engineering schools in the country. The Kern
Family Foundation has committed more than $1 million to support the ongoing development
of e-learning modules that have been incorporated across the curriculum – and used
by more than 30 institutions nationwide – to instill an entrepreneurial mindset in
One of those student is Katie Seggerman ’16, an electrical engineering major, former
president of the Society for Women Engineers and a teaching assistant who recently
began her career as an electrical and computer engineer at IBM.
"I have not only gained knowledge here at the University, but I also was pushed to
excel outside the classroom through numerous clubs, research and internships," she
said. "I always felt right at home asking for help and advice in all of my endeavors."