Valentina Seffer, Ph.D.

Tuscany Campus in Prato
Study Abroad
About Dr. Seffer
Valentina Seffer grew up in the south of Italy in Palermo, Sicily.
She holds a B.A. in Foreign Languages and Teaching of Italian as a Second Language from the University of Palermo and an M.A. in Linguistics and International Communication (concentration: teaching Italian for foreigners) from the Foreigners University of Siena. Valentina completed her Ph.D. in Italian Studies at the University of Sydney. She also holds the DITALS Certificate, Level 2, for the teaching of Italian at all levels, issued by the University of Siena, as well as the CELTA certificate to teach English as a foreign and second language, issued by the University of Cambridge.
Throughout her years of work and study, Valentina has acquired valuable experience in the areas of academic research, language teaching, administration, and organization of events working in different academic environments, both in Italy and in Australia.
As Assistant Dean, Valentina supports the Dean in all aspects of the program, particularly academics and works closely with faculty in supporting and following up with students who may be at risk (as identified by instructors). Valentina also teaches the First Year Experience program (FYE) for first-year students aimed at helping them to adjust to a new academic and learning environment and offers Italian language tutoring classes.
In her spare time, Valentina likes to travel to spend time with friends and family scattered around Italy and Europe. She also likes to learn foreign languages and keeps saying she will, eventually, start learning piano.