Peter Valentin, Ph.D., ABC-CC CSCSA

Peter Valentin Headshot
Associate Professor
Department Chair

Forensic Science Department
Henry C. Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences

Ph.D., Nanosciences and Advanced Technology, University of Verona, 2022

M.S., Forensic Science Criminalistics, University of New Haven, 2008

B.S., Forensic Science, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, 2001

About Peter

Peter Valentin combines a forensic science educational background with significant experience in the practical application of his trade as a crime scene investigator. He received his Ph.D. in Nanosciences and Advanced Technologies at the University of Verona.

Peter finished a distinguished career with the Connecticut State Police in 2011, retiring as a Detective in the Major Crime Squad. His work encompassed the investigation of homicides, suspicious deaths and other major crime scenes. As a member of Connecticut's elite Urban Search and Rescue team, he has extensive training in detecting criminal activity at a major disaster and also functions as a rescue specialist, focused on saving injured and trapped victims.

Peter is a member of the Federal Government's disaster forensic team responsible for human remains identification during a terrorist event or disaster. Recent deployments included several months during Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

He has received extensive training on a variety of forensic investigative techniques including bloodstain pattern analysis, forensic anthropology, post blast investigations, uses of alternate light sources for evidence recovery, crime scene photography and disaster crime scene management. Peter also has considerable training and experience in criminal investigation.

Peter was just appointed as a Director of The Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. He is also a member of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Bloodstain Pattern Analysis subcommittee. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Criminalistics and a Certified Senior Crime Scene Analyst by the International Association of Identification. Peter has consulted as an expert in forensic analysis and crime scene reconstruction in thirteen states.

Recently Published Books and Articles

Naiman, Melissa, A. Karl Larsen Jr., Peter R. Valentin. The Role of the Dentist at Crime Scenes. The Dental Clinics of North America Dentistry’s Role in Disaster Response. 2007.

Publications, Marketing, and Presentations

“Forensic Reconstruction Theory to Practice” Coauthoring chapter of bloodstain pattern analysis. 2019 – present.

“Crime Scene Reconstruction in a Post-OSAC World” Presentation given at American Academy of Forensic Sciences annual meeting in Baltimore, MD. 2019.

“Investigation of Mass Fatality Incidents and Disaster Victim Identification” Presentation given at International Scientific Conference ‘Europoltech’ in Gdansk, Poland. 2017.

“Crime Scene Forensics” Presentation given at Connecticut Department of Public Heath Mass Casualty Management Training Conference in Windsor Locks, CT. 2016.

“Infrared Photographic Analysis of Blood Under Paint, Using Varieties of Paint Pigments” Aaron Sachs B.S. and Peter Valentin M.S.F.S. Poster Session at American Academy of Forensic Science Conference in Seattle WA. 2014.

“Assessing rate of error for blunt force impact spatter based on surface to target distance” James Stevens B.S. and Peter Valentin M.S.F.S. 2013.

“Forensic Ecology Handbook” Coauthor of chapter on forensic botany. 2012.

Business Law Academy – Lagos, Nigeria Developed training programs in Abu Dhabi UAE and Cambridge UK for Nigerian justice officials on forensic science and the use of forensics in combating electoral fraud. 2013 – 2015

Journal of Forensic Research and Crime Studies, Editorial Board member 2013 – present

New Jersey Homicide Investigators AssociationAnnual Conference in Atlantic City, NJ:Crime Scene Reconstruction For Detectives, Lab Analysts and Attorneys 2012 – 2014. Homicide Conference in Princeton, NJ:Topics on maximizing use of physical evidence at crime scenes 2014

“The Crushing Weight of All the Evidence-Fixing a Broken System” Presentation given at the Evidence Conference in Washington, DC. 2012.

Brooklyn Law School Guest Lecturer in National Security Law
Forensic Science in Domestic Terrorism Investigations. 2012.

Northeastern Association of Forensic Scientists Annual Meeting

  • Education Committee Chair. 2012 – 2013
  • Criminalistics Section Speaker. 2011
  • Plenary session panel member with directors of NYPD and LAPD forensic laboratories titled “The Forensic Laboratory as a Testing Facility”. 2010
  • Criminalistics and Interesting Case sessions speaker 2009

Sought out by media for on-camera or written analysis of current events 2012 – present

New York County Lawyers Association Panel member in sessions on crime scene investigation. 2010 – 2013

Chosen for advertising campaign for the City University of New York forensic science program “Success Express” appearing in New York City subways. 2009 – 2011

“Forensic Evidence in Court” Interviewed in sections of book authored by Christine Lissitzyn JD. 2007

“The Role of the Dentist at Crime Scenes”The Dental Clinics of North America-Dentistry’s Role in Disaster Response. 2007

Courses Taught
  • FORS 4415 Crime Scene Investigation
  • FORS 4453 Special Topics-The Post-Conviction Process
  • FORS 6634 Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
  • FORS 6613 Principles of Forensic Science II
  • FORS 6616 Advanced Crime Scene Investigation

News and In the Media

In the Media

Peter Valentin, associate professor of forensic science, comments on how forensic science will be used in the investigation into the deaths of actor Gene Hackman and his wife.

In the Media

Peter Valentin, associate professor of forensic science, discusses what NYPD investigators are finding in forensic evidence that was left behind in searching for the suspected shooter of United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson in New York.

In the Media

Peter Valentin, associate professor of forensic science, explains the ‘order of operation’ when it comes to forensic science testing in criminal investigations.

In the Media

Peter Valentin, associate professor of forensic science, discusses how the National DNA Database works by uploading sample information only when associated with a crime.

In the Media

Peter Valentin, senior lecturer of forensic science, discusses if a profile of a murderer is necessary for police to catch a serial killer.

In the Media

Peter Valentin, a senior lecturer of forensic science, discusses the type of evidence authorities need to present to link the murders of four women in Oregon to a possible serial killer.

In the Media

Peter Valentin, a senior lecturer of forensic science, comments on police detectives' use of discarded DNA, such as garbage put out at the curb, which can be taken and sampled from those under suspicion of a serious crime.

In the Media

Peter Valentin, a senior lecturer of forensic science, discusses his forensic science career and the advancements in DNA testing on evidence that have proved innocence or guilt decades after a conviction.

In the Media

Peter Valentin, a senior lecturer of forensic science, comments that bloody footprints found at a crime scene can be used in a homicide case, similar to using fingerprints, but it is unusual.

In the Media

Peter Valentin, a senior lecturer of forensic science, discusses how Forensic Genetic Genealogy (FGG) technology was used to identify a suspect now charged with rape in three cases in Boston.

In the Media

Peter Valentin, a senior lecturer of forensic science, discusses the effort to develop new standards by the Organization of Scientific Area Committees. While the process can be contentious, it's essential to have the right professional standards in place.

The night he taught his final class of the spring semester, Peter Valentin left for New York City, where he spent two weeks serving on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic.