Kamal Upadhyaya, Ph.D.

Economics & Business Analytics Department
Pompea College of Business
Ph.D., Auburn University, 1993.
M.A., Thammasat University, 1984.
Major: Economics
Degree in Economics, Tribhuvan University, 1978.
Major: Economics
About Kamal
Dr. Kamal Upadhyaya joined University in the Fall of 2000.
See MoreKamal Upadhyaya was born and raised in Nepal. As a Ford Foundation scholar he studied M.A. Economics at Thammasat University in Bangkok, Thailand. Next he was a member of the research team at the Center for Economic Development and Administration (CEDA), in Kathmandu, Nepal. Dr. Upadhyaya then moved to Africa with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and was a UNDP Program Officer in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania before starting his PhD at Auburn University. Prior to UNH, Dr. Upadhyaya has taught at Salisbury University in Maryland, Penn State University, Berks and Lehigh Valley College.
Kamal served as the department chair of the department of economics and finance from 2007 to 2014. During his tenure as the chair of the department the B.A. Economics (with Business Analytics) was launched. Dr. Upadhyaya primarily teaches microeconomic theory, macroeconomic theory and international economics.
Dr. Upadhyaya is a prolific researcher. In recognition of his outstanding research accomplishment, he was designated as a University Research Scholar from 2008 to 2017 He has published over 100 research papers in journals such as Applied Economics, Economics Letters, Economic Inquiry, Journal of Development Studies, International Trade Journal, Public Choice and Resource and Energy Economics, Southern Journal of Economics. He is editor of the American Business Review and serves in the editorial board of the Journal of Financial Economics and Policy, and International Review of Business and Economics (IRBE).
Published Intellectual Contributions
Recent Publications
Committees or Markets? An Exploratory Analysis of Best Paper Awards in Economics (with Frank Mixon and Benno Torgler), Economies, 2022.
Remittances-Inflation Nexus in South Asia: An Empirical Examinationâ (with Basnet and Donou-Adonsou), Journal of Financial Economic Policy, 2021.
"Cooperation and Spillover in Health Care R&D: Theory and Evidence" (with S. Caudill, Faria and Mixon, Jr), Economic Modeling, 2020.
"Is there a Jâcurve in ChinaâU.S. trade?" (with Frank Mixon, Jr. and Rabindra Bhandari), International Journal of Finance & Economics, 2020.
âExchange Rate Volatility and Exports: Some New Estimates from ASEANâ5â (with Dharmendra Dhakal and Frank Mixon, Jr.), Journal of Developing Areas, 2020.
âFactors affecting COVID-19 mortality: an exploratory studyâ (with Ashish Upadhyaya, S. Koirala, and R. Ressler), Journal of Health Research, 2020.
For the detail of his research please click his google scholar link below:
Scholarly Books
Franklin G. Mixon, Jr. and Kamal P. Upadhyaya, The Political Economy of Private Saving in the U.S.: Evidence on the Social Opportunity Costs of Public Policy, Writers Club Press, Lincoln., 2002.
Franklin G. Mixon, Jr. and Kamal P. Upadhyaya, Legislative Television as Political Advertising: A Public Choice Approach,iUniverse, Inc., New York, 2003
Book Chapter
"Ideology in the Principles of Economics Classroom" in Franklin G. Mixon, Jr. edited Shaping the Learning Curve, iUniverse, New York, 2005, pp. 98-109.
Conference Presentations
Basnet, H. and Upadhyaya, K. P. International Trade and Finance Association Meeting, "Do Remittances Attract Foreign Direct Investment?," Montreal, Canada. (May 2013).
Upadhyaya, K. P., Basnet, H., Eastern Economic Association meeting, "Macroeconomic Impacts of Oil Price Changes in selected Asian Countries," New York. (March 2013).
Upadhyaya, K. P., Dhakal, D., Thapa, S., International Academy of Business and Public Administration Discipline, "Remittances, FDI and Economic Growth in South Asia; Evidence from Panel Data," Las Vegas, Nevada. (October 2012).
Upadhyaya, K. P., Bhandari, R., Rainish, R., International Trade and Finance Association Meeting, "Exchange Rate Adjustment and Output in Selected Southeast Asian Countries," Pisa, Italy. (May 2012).
Upadhyay M. and Upadhyaya, K. P., "Impact of Remittance on Inflation and Exchange Rate in South Asia," South Asian Conference, Madison, Wisconsin. (October 2011).
Upadhyaya, K. P., Bhandari, R., "Exchange Rate Volatility and FDI in South Asia," American Economic Association Meeting, Denver, Colorado. (January 2011).
Cakan, E. (Author & Presenter), Doytch, N. (Author), Upadhyaya, K. P. (Author), Southern Economic Association Meeting, "Impacts of US Economic News on Emerging Financial Markets," Southern Economic Association Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia. (November 2010).
Upadhyaya, K. P., Ejara, D. D., Nag, R., "Opinion Polls and the Stock Market: Evidence from the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election," Midwest Economic Association, Evanston, Illinois. (March 2010).
Mensz, P., Upadhyaya, K. P., "Impact of Oil Prices on Output and Inflation in Latin America," 73rd Annual Meeting of Midwest Economic Association, Cleveland, Ohio. (2009).
Upadhyaya, K. P., Doytch, N., Mixon, F., "Employment Effects of Mergers and Acquisition in the United State by Sector," Southern Economic Association Meeting, San Antonio, Texas. (November 2009).
Upadhyaya, K. P., Rainish, R., Bhandari, R., "Exchange Rate Adjustment and Output in Selected Southeast Asian Countries," Southern Economic Association Meeting, San Antonio, Texas. (November 2009).
Upadhyaya, K. P., Rainish, R., Phelan, J. J., "Currency Devaluation and Aggregate Output in East Africa," Midwest Economic Association, Cleveland, Ohio. (March 2009).
Upadhyaya, K. P., "Impact of Oil Price on Output and Inflation in Latin America," Midwest Economic Association, Cleveland, Ohio. (March 2009).Upadhyaya, K. P., Dhakal, D., Pradhan, G., "The Relationship Between Trade, FDI and Economic Growth: Evidence from South Asia," Midwest Economic Association, Cleveland, Ohio. (March 2009).
Upadhyaya, K. P., "Economic Integration of Nepal with India and Its Growth Implications," Allied Social Science Association Meeting, San Francisco, California. (January 2009).
Upadhyaya, K. P., Gentle, P., Chen, W., "The Inflation-Unemployment:Trade-off Significance of the Interest Rate," Southern Economic Association Meeting, Washington, District of Columbia. (November 2008).
Upadhyaya, K. P., Dhakal, D., Pradhan, G., "Exchange Rate Uncertainty and Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from East Asia," Midwest Economic Association, Chicago, Illinois. (March 2008).
Upadhyaya, K. P., Dhakal, D., Kulkarni, K., "Estimating Consumption Function in an Open Economy Setting," Allied Social Science Association Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. (January 2008).
Sencicek, M. and Upadhyaya, K. P., "Are Devaluations Contractionary? The Case of Turkey," Southern Economic Association Meeting, New Orleans. (November 2007).
Upadhyaya, K. P., Dhakal, D., Pradhan, G., "Another Look at the Overlapping Demand Theory of Trade," Western Economic Association. (July 2007).
Upadhyaya, K. P., Gentle, P., Paudel, K., "Real Wages, Real Interest Rates and the Phillips Curve: Evidence form Canadian Data," Midwest Economic Association, Minneapolis, Minnesota. (March 2007).
Upadhyaya, K. P., Pradhan, G., Dhakal, D., "Nepal and Bhutan: Development Strategies and Growth," South Asian Conference, University of Wisconsin. (October 2006).
Upadhyaya, K. P., Dhakal, D., "Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Eastern and Central Europe," Midwest Economic Association, Chicago. (March 2006).
Upadhyaya, K. P., Pradhan, G., Dhakal, D., "Foreign Aid, FDI and Economic Growth in East European Countries," Southern Economic Association, Washington, D.C. (November 2005).
Upadhyaya, K. P., Sencicek, M., "Demand for Money, Economic Crises and Currency Substitution in Turkey," International Business & Economics Research (IBER) Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada. (October 2005).
Upadhyaya, K. P., Dhakal, D., "Foreign Direct Investment, Remittances and Economic Growth," Federation of Business Discipline, Dallas. (March 2005).
Upadhyaya, K. P., Dhakal, D., "Determinants of Private Saving in South Asia," Midwest Economic Association, Chicago, Illinois. (March 2004).
Upadhyaya, K. P., Shuster, J., Pradhan, G., "Exchange Rate Uncertainty and the Level of Investment in Selected Southeast Asian Countries," Southern Economic Association, San Antonio, Texas. (November 2003).
Upadhyaya, K. P., Dhakal, D., "Nepalese Economy during the Panchayat and the Multi-Party Regimes," Midwest Economic Association, St. Louis. (March 2003).
Upadhyaya, K. P., Dhakal, D., Pradhan, G., "Financial Liberalization and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from India and Sri Lanka," Southern Economic Association, Tampa. (November 2001).
Upadhyaya, K. P., Mixon, F., "Merger Activity and Unemployment in the United States," Southern Economic Association, Washington, D.C. (November 2000).
Upadhyaya, K. P., Pradhan, G., "Explaining the Recent Decline in the U.S. Dollar," Southern Economic Association, New Orleans. (November 1999).
Upadhyaya, K. P., Larson, J., Mixon, F., "The Impact of Environmental Regulation on the Blue Crab Industry in Maryland," Southern Economic Association, New Orleans. (November 1999).
Pradhan, G. and Upadhyaya, K. P.., "Government Budget Deficits and National Saving," Southern Economic Association, Baltimore. (November 1998).
Upadhyaya, K. P., Dhakal, D., Mixon, F., "Exchange Rate Adjustment and Output in Developing Countries," Southern Economic Association, Atlanta. (November 1997).
Mehmet S., and Upadhyaya, K. P., "Are Devaluations Contractionary: Some New Empirical Results," Southern Economic Association, Washington, DC. (November 1996).
Upadhyaya, K. P., Dhakal, D., "Relationship between the U.S. and Foreign Interest Rates: An Empirical Study," Southern Economic Association, Washington DC. (November 1996).
Upadhyaya, K. P., Mixon, F., Dhakal, D., "Do Devaluations Improve Trade Balances? Evidence from Four South Asian Countries," Southern Economic Association, New Orleans. (November 1995).
Upadhyaya, K. P., Dhakal, D., "The Effect of Devaluation on the Trade Balance: Further Empirical Evidence," Southern Economic Association, Orlando, Florida. (November 1994).
Upadhyaya, K. P., Mixon, F., "The Effect of Regulation on the Price of Electricity: Some New Results," Southern Economic Association, Orlando, Florida. (November 1994).
Upadhyaya, K. P., Dhakal, D., "Neutrality of Money and the Fisher Hypothesis: Further Empirical Evidence," Southern Economic Association, New Orleans. (November 1993).
Upadhyaya, K. P., Mixon, F., "The Transactions Cost Theory of Vertical Integration in the Trucking Industry," Southwestern Society of Economists, New Orleans. (March 1993).
Upadhyaya, K. P., "Monetary Model of Exchange Rate Determination: An Empirical Examination of the Canadian/U.S. Dollar Exchange Rate during," Missouri Valley Economic Association, Memphis, TN. (February 1993).
Upadhyaya, K. P., "The Effect of Regulation on the Price of Electricity: Evidence from Time Series Data," Southern Economic Association, Washington, DC. (November 1992).
Upadhyaya, K. P., Mixon, F., "Transactions Costs and Uncertainty in the Leasing Decision: The Case of the Trucking Industry," Southern Economic Association, Washington, DC. (November 1992).
Upadhyaya, K. P., Raymond, J. E., "What Can Regulators Regulate? The Case of Electricity Revisited," Southern Economic Association, Nashville,TN. (November 1991).
Media Contributions
- "Fast Food Workers Walk Off Jobs in Hartford, New Haven" NBC Connecticut, December 2013.
- "3 ways to reform the labor" Foxnews.Com, July 10, 2012
- Fox News CT (Hartford) interview on unemployment report, July 5, 2012
- "Borrowing and other loans will become more expansive", Interview, India Abroad, August 18, 2011.
- " You and Yuan" Interview by Charles Slack, FX International Payments, American Express, April 2011.
- "Dr. Yadav Prasad Pant: A true hero" op-ed on first Nepalese Economist, Republica, Nov. 18, 2010.
- "A floating Chinese Yuan could help and hurt U.S. companies" Interview, USA Today, June 22, 2010.
- " Companies abroad needs U.S. tax pass" op-ed , New Haven Register, August 20, 2009.
- "This will take US into European-style socialism" Interview, India Abroad, February 27, 2009.
- "Locksmith business growth in Connecticut" Interview, Connecticut Post, July 22, 2009.
Project Involvement
" Economic Impact of the University of New Haven in New Haven County in 2009" (with Richard Highfield), 2010 .
Economist/Econometrician, Impact of Environmental Regulation on the Blue Crab Industry in Maryland, Maryland Department of Natural Resources, 1997
Doctoral Dissertation/Thesis Examiner
External Examiner, Bilquees Azra, Aligarh Muslim University, 2013.
External Examiner, Ikbal Jafar Ansari, Aligarh Muslim University, 2012.
External Examiner, Kallu S. Reddy, Ph.D., Pondicherry University, India , 2010.
Courses Taught
- ECON Micro and Macroeconomics, 1 course
- ECON 3340 Microeconomic Analysis, 2 courses
- ECON 3341 Macroeconomic Analysis, 1 course
- ECON 4400 Economics Capstone I, 1 course
- ECON 601 Micro and Macroeconomics, 1 course
- ECON 6601 Macroeconomics/Microeconomics, 1 course