Gazi Murat Duman, Ph.D.

Gazi Duman
Lawrence and Stephanie Flanagan Assistant Professor, Business Analytics
Chair and Coordinator of Economics & Business Analytics

Economics & Business Analytics Department
Pompea College of Business

Ph.D., Technology Management (2019), University of Bridgeport
MSc., Information Technology (2010), Southern New Hampshire University
MBA (2007), Sakarya University
BSc., Industrial Engineering (2005), Yildiz Technical University

About Gazi

Gazi Murat Duman received his BSc. in Industrial Engineering from Yildiz Technical University, and his MBA from Sakarya University in Turkey. Following his employment as an operations specialist and analyst in one of the biggest 3PL companies in Istanbul, he earned his MSc. in Information Technology from Southern New Hampshire University. Focusing on data analytics and decision-making, he received his Ph.D. degree in Technology Management from the University of Bridgeport. Dr. Duman combines his extensive industry experience in supply chain management and logistics operations with his interdisciplinary research creating solutions for current and emerging issues.

He joined the University of New Haven in Fall 2021 as the Program Coordinator of Masters in Business Analytics and he is currently serving as the Chair in the Department of Economics & Business Analytics. Prior to the University of New Haven, he worked as an Assistant Professor at Mercy College and at the University of Bridgeport. His primary research interests are decision making under uncertainty, sustainable supply chains, data analytics, machine learning, applied artificial intelligence, fuzzy and grey systems, and operations research.

Academic Papers in Journals

Zel, S., Duman, G. M., & Kongar, E. (2021). Engaging Learners in Synchronous Online Training Using Facial Expression Analysis Technology. IEEE Engineering Management Review.

Duman, G. M., Kongar, E. and Gupta, S. M., “Predictive Analysis of Electronic Waste For Reverse Logistics Operations: A Comparison of Improved Grey Models”, Soft Computing.

Duman, G. M., Kongar, E. and Gupta, S. M., “Estimation of Electronic Waste Using Optimized Multivariate Grey Models”, Waste Management, Vol. 96, No. 1, 241-249, 2019.

Duman, G. M., ElSayed, A., Kongar, E. and Gupta, S. M., “An Intelligent Multi-Attribute Group Decision Making Approach for Performance Evaluation: A Food Industry Case Study For Preference Elicitation”, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2019.

Duman, G. M., Taskaynatan, M., Kongar, E. and Rosentrater, K. A., “Integrating Environmental and Social Sustainability Into Performance Evaluation: A Balanced Scorecard-Based Grey-DANP Approach for the Food Industry”, Frontiers in Nutrition, 2018.

Duman, G. M., Tozanli, O., Kongar, E. and Gupta, S. M., “A Holistic Approach for Performance Evaluation Using Quantitative and Qualitative Data: A Food Industry Case Study”, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 81, No. 1, 410-422, 2017.

Tozanli, O, Duman, G.M., Kongar, E., and Gupta, S. M., “Environmentally Concerned Logistics Operations in Fuzzy Environment: A Literature Survey”, Logistics, 1(1), 4; 2017.

Book Chapters

Duman, G. M., Kongar, E. and Gupta, S. M., “Chapter 15: A Group Decision Making Approach Using Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy VIKOR for Green Supplier Evaluation” in "Sustainable Production and Logistics: Modeling and Analysis", CRC Press.

Duman, G. M., Kongar, E. and Gupta, S. M., “Chapter 5: A Holistic Grey-MCDM Approach For Green Supplier Elicitation In Responsible Manufacturing” in "Responsible Manufacturing: Issues Pertaining to Sustainability“, CRC Press.

Academic Papers in Conference Proceedings

Duman, G. M., Kongar, E. and Gupta, S. M. “Optimized Support Vector Machine in Multi- Class Text Classification”, NEDSI Annual Conference, March 26-27, Online, 2021.

Duman, G. M., Kongar, E. and Gupta, S. M. “A Comparison of Machine Learning Methods in Multi- Class Text Classification”, NEDSI Annual Conference, March 26-28, Cambridge, MA, 2020.

Duman, G. M., Kongar, E. and Gupta, S. M., “Estimation of Electronic Waste To Improve Reverse Logistics Operations: A Comparison of Optimized Multivariate Grey Models”, POMS 30th Annual Conference, May 4 - 6, Washington DC, 2018.

Duman, G. M., Kongar, E. and Gupta, S. M. “Forecasting Electronic Waste For Reverse Logistics Operations Using Optimized Grey Models”, NEDSI Annual Conference, April 2-4, Philadelphia, PA, 2019.

Duman G. M. and Kongar, E., “A Balanced Scorecard-Based Approach To Integrate Sustainability Into The Operational Performance: A Food Industry Case Study”, 2018 INFORMS Annual Conference November 4-8, Phoenix, AZ.

Duman G. M., ElSayed A. and Kongar, E., “A Hybrid Multi Attribute Decision Making (MADM) Approach for Performance Evaluation: A Food Industry Case Study”, 2018 IISE Annual Conference May 19-22, Orlando, FL.

Duman G. M. and Kongar, E., “Integrating Environmental and Social Sustainability into Performance Evaluation: A MADM Approach for Food Industry”, 2018 POMS Annual Conference May 4-7, Houston, TX.

Duman, G. M. and Kongar, E., “Combining Grey-AHP and Grey-TOPSIS Methods for Green Supplier Selection”, the 15th International Logistics and Supply Chain Congress, October 19-20, 2017, Istanbul, Turkey.

Duman, G. M., Tozanli, O., Kongar, E., “Big Data Analytics in Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management: A Literature”, NEDSI Annual Conference, March 22-25, Springfield, MA, 2017.

ElSayed, A., Tozanli, O., Duman, G. M., and Kongar, E., “Computer Vision Application for Environmentally Conscious Smart Painting Truck”, International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV2017), March 15 -17, Columbia University, NY, 2017.

Duman, G. M., Tozanli, O., and Kongar, E., “A Hybrid Data Envelopment Analysis Approach for Performance Evaluation: A Food Industry Case Study”, POMS 27th Annual Conference, May 6 - 9, Orlando, 2016.

Tozanli, O., Duman, G. M., and Kongar, E., “Sustainable Supply Chain Management in Fuzzy Environment: A Literature Survey”, POMS 27th Annual Conference, May 6 - 9, Orlando, 2016. (Invited paper).

Duman, G. M., Vo, B., Kongar, E., "A Hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach for Green Supplier Selection " NEDSI Annual Conference, April 1-3, Alexandria, VA, 2016.

Duman, G. M. and Kongar, E. (2015). A data envelopment analysis approach to evaluate the efficiency of service and delivery operations. Paper presented at the American Society For Engineering Education (ASEE). Boston, MA: Northeast Section, Northeastern University.

Courses Taught
  • Computer Concepts
  • Introduction to Business Intelligence & Business Analytics
  • Research Methods for Business
  • Information Systems & Knowledge Management
  • Technical Concepts for Analytics Professionals
  • Foundations in Advanced Business Analytics
  • Operations Management
  • Relational Database Management with SQL
  • Econometrics
  • Data Analytics Capstone
  • Data Visualization and Communication
  • Marketing Analytics
Other Academic Activities
  • Guest Editor in MDPI Sustainability, Special Issues: "Sustainable Development of Supply Chains and Systems"
  • Guest Editor in Springer Nature Operations Research Forum, Advances and Applications in Supply Chain Management Issue
  • Reviewer in IEEE-Transactions on Engineering Management
  • Reviewer in International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management
  • Reviewer in MDPI Sustainability
  • Reviewer in MDPI Applied Sciences
  • Reviewer in MDPI Mathematics
  • Reviewer in Springer Applied Sciences
  • Reviewer in Elsevier Sustainable Production and Consumption

In the Media

The 鶹AV Blog

Business Analytics Chair Named to New Professorship

As the inaugural holder of the Flanagan Professorship for Business Analytics, Gazi Murat Duman, Ph.D., is excited about the opportunities this endowed position will create for students, from faculty-mentored research to increased diversity and access.